
The ministry of music nurtures the spiritual life of the entire church. Its first priority is to contribute to the worship life of the congregation. At its heart, music in the church is based on relationships as much as it is on music itself: the individual’s relationship to God, the group’s understanding of its relationship to God, and the relationship between people. As such, it is a vehicle through which the church is able to fulfill its ministry.

The ministry of music at First Pres is an inclusive program, encompassing many musical styles and eras, different ages and abilities, speaking to and drawing from the musical heritage of the whole church.

Under the leadership of Director of Music Kerry Glann, the music program at First Presbyterian is alive and active. Please join us!

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir rehearses weekly on Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m., during the school year.  Members and friends of the church with previous choral experience are invited to participate.  If you like to sing and enjoy good fellowship, you will feel very much at home with this group.  Ball State students are welcome!  The choir sings regularly for the 10:00 worship service. 

For more information, please visit with Kerry Glann following the service, or contact him at   Please join us!

Handbell Choir

First Presbyterian Church owns a 5-octave set of Schulmerich handbells.  The Handbell Choir is a part-time ensemble that typically plays during the summer and at special times throughout the school year.  Anyone high school age and above with basic music reading skills is welcome to join, including BSU students.  Please contact Kerry Glann at for further information.

Commissioned Anthems

November 3, 2024 marked All Saints’ Sunday. In celebration , we premiere a new choral work in memory of  Barbara Kvam, a long—time member of the Chancel Choir, who passed away on April 12, 2024. This piece was made possible through the generosity of Bob Kvam and from contributions to the Chancel Choir Fund. The text was selected  especially to remember Barbara’s work as an elementary school teacher. 

The Little Children

“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” 

And he took them up in his arms, put his hands up on them, and blessed them.

(Mark 10:14—16)

Click here to view The Little Children 

In 2013, the premier presentation of What does the Lord require of you? was presented by the chancel choir. This piece, by Robert A. Hobby, was commissioned in honor of Ronald Naylor’s twenty-eight years of service as Senior Pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Muncie, Indiana.

In 2016, First Presbyerian Church chancel choir had the honor to deliver a second commissioned piece, Make a Joyful Noise, by Robert A. Hobby in honor of Kirby Koriath’s retirement as Director and Organist.    

To listen to the pieces, please click the links below.

What does the Lord require of you? (commissioned piece for Ron Naylor)

 Make a Joyful Noise (commissioned piece for Kirby Koriath)

~Note from composer Robert A. Hobby~

I thank you for the honor of the commission. And I wish you well as you embark on pitches and rhythms, dynamics and diction. But don’t forget the message of the text. The question from Micah poignantly pierced into my soul a number of times through the compositional process, beckoning me to examine what new actions I might consider during my earthly journey to show God’s compassion, love and hope in this world of unrest. Perhaps in the days leading up to your Pastor’s celebration and beyond, each of you might ponder these words as well. And, if we as a team of composer and choir have done our job, perhaps those sitting in the pews in several weeks will hear these words of challenge ‐ or rather invitation ‐ with new ears and hearts, eager to respond. Ultimately, if we seek to be the faces of Christ in the world, we honor the tireless hours of dedicated service by your pastor, and, more importantly, we embody the Risen Lord. May God give each of us the grace and the courage to do so.

Peace and joy,
Bob Hobby
Trinity English Lutheran Church Fort Wayne, IN