Please remember the Project Stepping Stone dessert and item auction to be held Sunday, September 13, 2015 from 12 noon into the afternoon at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 900 W. White River Blvd.
You can help raise money for this homeless program by bringing bake goods to be sold at the auction. The desserts should be in the following sizes: 1 dozen brownies, bars or cupcakes, 2 dozen cookies, a cake, a pie. Store bought desserts are not welcome. Please put a simple description on the top of each container. Use containers that will not need to be returned.
First Presbyterian is committed to providing 20 desserts, so bake up a storm.
Please bring your dessert contribution to Fellowship Hall by 10:45 a.m. on Sunday morning, September 13.
If you have any questions, call Roger Sherwood at 284-5260
Focus/Project: Auction Fundraiser
Need: Individuals are needed to make homemade desserts to be auctioned off as a fundraiser for Project Stepping Stone.
How to engage: This is an annual event. Once announced to the congregation, head to the kitchen to help this mission!
Church Contact: Roger Sherwood - 284-5260
Focus/Project: House Manager
Need: Supervise tenants as needed in temporary housing
How to engage: Contact Roger Sherwood to get involved in Project Stepping Stone.
Church Contact: Roger Sherwood - 284-5260
Focus/Project: Board Member of Project Stepping Stone
Need: Help decide matters relative to this housing ministry
How to engage: Contact Roger Sherwood for further details
Church Contact: Roger Sherwood - 284-5260