How is God Calling You to Serve?  God has freely given us gifts of time, talent and money, and we are responsible for using them wisely.


What kind of stewards are we? Imagine Jesus standing before you and saying, “Go forth and serve.” How will you respond to the call of God in your life today?


We need you! There is work that only you can do, and gifts that only you can share and give.


What are they? We need people to:

  • pray for our church
  • teach and lead in Christian Education
  • sing or play an instrument
  • make visitors and guests feel welcome
  • help care for members who are in need
  • serve in mission

In short, we need each of us to be a good steward of our time, talents, and gift to share God’s grace with one another.





Each year in October we ask that you complete and return a Financial Commitment Card.  You may now find this form online. We ask that you pray about the coming year, and then complete 2024 Financial Commitment Form.
