"The Body of Christ in Service"
We believe “The Church is called to be Christ’s faithful evangelist . . .
participating in God’s activity in the world through its life for others by
- healing and reconciling and binding up wounds,
- ministering to the needs of the poor, the sick, the lonely, and the powerless,
- engaging in the struggle to free people from sin, fear, oppression, hunger, and injustice,
- giving itself and its substance to the service of those who suffer,
- sharing with Christ in the establishing of his just, peaceable, and loving rule in the world.” (PC(USA) Book of Order G-3.0300).
Remembering the words of Jesus Christ
“Just as you did it to one of the least of these. . . you did it to me,”
and considering Jesus’ ministry, we reach out to care for others locally, nationally and globally.