The Presbyterian Church takes its name from the New Testament Greek word for "Elder": presbuteros. It describes the way the church is governed, with oversight resting on elected bodies at the congregational, regional and national levels.
The governing group in each congregation is called the Session, a body made up of men and women known as "Elders" who have been "set apart" by election and ordination into a supervisory role. The Session meets monthly to conduct the business of the church.
Elders generally serve for staggered three-year terms, with a third of the Session elected each year. Ordination is a for-life designation. Past Elders are part of a group called - collequially - the College of Elders.
Book of Confessions Book of Order
Class of 2022:
- Missy Arnold- Moderator of Pre-K Board
- John Foster - Moderator of Technology
- Jon Moll - Moderator of Worship and Religious Arts
- Bill Rogers
- Sue Whitaker
- Bob Wadsworth
Class of 2023:
- Patrick Burkey
- Sue Desmond
- Pam Gehrke
- Bob Kvam
- Jan McCune
- Peter Voss
- Varren Vander Hill (2-year term)
Class of 2024:
- Jacqueline Burton
- Chris Hostetler
- Ed Humphrey
- Larry Ottinger
- Kelly Shrock
Clerk of Session - Aileen Howard